
Status: Not Active
Annual Contribution Limit: $19,000 (This limit is a Federal limit that is required of all states and does not include additional ABLE to Work contributions.)
ABLE To Work Act Contribution: An Account Owner who is employed and who is not contributing to a defined contribution plan, an annuity contract or an eligible deferred compensation plan may contribute additional money to their ABLE Account. The additional amount that may be deposited is an amount equal to the Account Owner’s employment income or equal to the poverty line for a one-person household for the prior calendar year, whichever amount is the less. This is up to $15,060 for residents of the continental U.S.; $18,810 for residents of Alaska and $17,310 for residents of Hawaii.
Withdrawal Hold Rules: Yes.

Additional Information:

Idaho Statute §56-708

The State Independent Living Council (SILC) provides technical assistance, information and financial literacy training. Technical assistance includes information and assistance relating to the ABLE Act, setting up ABLE accounts in other states and providing information related to financial literacy. The SILC can be reached at (208)-334-3800.

The passage of House Bill 41, signed by Governor Butch Otter on March 20, 2017, provides information for disregarding ABLE accounts when determining an Idaho resident’s eligibility for a state or local assistance program or a needs-based state or local grant, so long as the ABLE account and the activity related to it are disregarded when determining an applicant’s eligibility for a Federal assistance program. This legislation also establishes, subject to appropriation, a function to provide individuals with disabilities, and those assisting them, technical assistance relating to the ABLE Act.

Program at a Glance

  • Fee Range